Sugar Pea "Norli" - Pisum sativum var. medullare.
An early variety of middle growth. Equal darkgreen seeds ripe jointly. This variety is suitable especially for gardeners, for direct consumption and for conservation.
* Vege..
Head lettuce "Safir".
Variety for spring forcing in greenhouses and unheated plastic shelters.
Head is light yellow/green-yellow in crosssection, well-closed in full maturity.
Resistant to tipburn and downy mildew races B 1, 3, 4, 6, 11,..
Hyssop "Blue Honey" - Hyssopus officinalis.
A real "magnet" for beneficial insects in the garden.
Perennial herbaceous, ornamental, spicy-aromatic plant up to 25-30 cm tall. Grows and thrives well.
The inflorescence is den..
Purple kohlrabi "Modrava" F1.
A wonderful combination of taste and nutrition!
An early hybrid of kohlrabi cabbage for spring and autumn cultivation with high resistance to bolting, cracking and lignification.
Period from germination to h..
Calabash (Long melon) "Serpente di Sicilia" - Lagenaria siceraria L.
The crop requires rich and well-fertilised soil. Provide support on planting. Young fruits are used like courgettes.
Fruit can be cut continuously, the remainder of..
Leaf red mustard "Rossa" - Brassica juncea L.
For spicy salads!
Early variety. Annual, green culture of a long day. Typical Japanese vegetable with red leaves. Taste is exceptionaly piquant.
Sow repeatedly in spring and autumn ..
Plain leaf parsley "Gigante D`Italia" - Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym. Ex A. W. Hill convar vulgare (Nois) Danert.
Standard European variety of plain leaf parsley with big dark green leaves. Established as a variety suitable for process..
TOP LEAF PARSLEY "MOSS CURLED 2" - Petroselinum crispum (Miller) Nyman ex A. W. Hill.
A leafy curled parsley. The vegetation period is between 80-90 days (spring / summer crop) and between 150-180 days (autumn harvest). The dark green..
Leek "De Carentan 2" - Allium porrum L.
The variety is late ripening (period from germination to harvesting 125-175 days), cold-resistant. The plant is 30-50 cm high. The leaves are dark green, wide.
The false stem is cylindrical, low - 1..
Lemon balm - Melissa officinalis.
Delicate, refreshing scent!
Spicy flavouring, essential oil, perennial cold-resistant culture. The plant is branched, with upright pubescent stems. Stem erect, branched, 50-100 cm high, leaves ovate.
It ..
East Indian lemongrass - Cymbopogon flexuosus.
It is best to use fresh stems, but dried stems are also found, as well as powdered dried stems.
If fresh stems are used, remove the outer leaves and use only the lower, white part.
It can be adde..
Mix of varieties: "Dark Roden", "Dubared", "Roset", "Zlatava", "Safir", "Merkurion", "Dubagold".
Delicious yummy: delicate, multi-coloured vitamins!
For collecting young lea..
Lettuce "Bionda a Foglia liscia".
Delicate and crispy leaves without bitterness!
Early ripening (period from germination to complete harvesting 38-45 days) variety of lettuce for early spring and winter crops.
The leaves are light green ..
Leaf lettuce "Bionda Ricciolina da Taglio".
The lettuce is early ripe, the crop can be harvested 40-45 days after germination. It has delicate, corrugated, very decorative green leaves.
Forms a loose head, 15-20 cm in diameter. The variet..
Lettuce "Biscia Rossa".
Mid-season (45-60 days) variety for open ground. A head of cabbage of medium size, loose.
The leaves are green at the base and red-burgundy at the tips of the leaves, bubbly, slightly wavy, with an oily consistency..
Butterhead salad "Cavolo di Napoli" (oily).
Medium-early variety (vegetation period 69-78 days), forming a medium-sized head.
The leaf is slightly corrugated, light green.
Recommended planting pattern 30 x 25 cm.
Lettuce "Grünetta".
Should be sown in early summer in planting bed. Allowing distance between rows 45-60 cm. Distance between plants 10-15 cm. Yield beginning from 40-50 days after sowing.
Lettuce "May King".
Early loaf lettuce variety (55-60 days). Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile so..
Head lettuce "Meraviglia d Inverno".
A fast-growing and easy-to-grow head lettuce variety that produces large heads with the delicate consistency of leafs for organic way.
The head of cabbage is round, the leaves are light green, the surf..
Oak- leaved lettuce "SALAD BOWL" - Lactuca sativa L.
Organic seeds for a healthier life.
Early, fertile leaf lettuce variety. Grows within 50-63 days, sown from spring till autumn.
Lettuce leaves are snipped, juicy, regrow after cutting...
Head lettuce "Smaragdus".
This is a early variety intended for spring growing in the open field and for forcing in non-heated plastic shelters. The head is dense and closed. The leaves are slightly curly.
Head lettuce "Syrena".
Салат "Сирена".
Урожайный сорт кочанного салата "маслянистого" типа.
Кочаны крупные, вырастают весом до 400-480 г. Листочки светло-зелёной окраски, мягкие, с нежным вкусом. Можно выр..
Head lettuce "Attrazione".
A late butterhead lettuce. Makes medium size nice small heads. Seeds are sown directly into the soil or seedlings can be planted.
Suitable for growing outdoors for spring and autumn harvests. Grow best in loose,..
Oak-Leaf Lettuce "Verde Ricciolina" - Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa.
This is a green oak-leaved lettuce for spring, summer and autumn growing.
Early variety: the growing time from sowing to harvest is 50 - 55 days.
It creates l..
Head lettuce "Quattro Stagioni" - Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata.
A medium-early variety of butterheadlettuce. Harvested in 45-55 days after planting the seedlings.
The variety does not overgrow, appreciated for its abundant harvest..